Short Film // Directed by Koura Linda
A VisionJump Productions film, co-produced by Space Dream Productions.
Sometimes all you need to hear is the music in your heart - Introverted Zoie loves music, but her passion is sadly not enough to give her the confidence to perform live. Well-meaning friends, Aime and Ryder, try to build her confidence back up, but it's her new friend, Dalton, who helps her see that there are more people who want to see her win.
Upcoming Screenings:
Organization of Independent Filmmakers Roar Challenge
September 14th, 2024 - 4:40PM
Official Selections:
(screenplay) Organization of Independent Filmmakers Roar Challenge - 2024
Organization of Independent Filmmakers Roar Challenge - 2024
Best Set Design - Koura Linda
Best Supporting Actor - Doc Anthony Bravo
Best Supporting Actress - Kimberly Epstein
Best Music - Spencer Shipton
Best Editor - Koura Linda
Best Cinematography - Jimmy Blanco
Best Lead Actor - Daniel Mione
Best Lead Actress - Layla Morgan
Best Sound, Best Story, Best Director, Best Picture category nominations to be announced Sept 14, 2024
Layla Morgan
Daniel Mione
Kimberly Epstein
Doc Anthony Bravo
Claire Louise Huder
Eli Reeves
Isabella Esposito
Nicole Ricks
Katelynn Carlson
Chuck Blair
Shane Bryan
Emily Morales
Paula Aguirre Gonzalez
Ruth Ramos
Miranda Morrison-Jreige
Amelia Bueckhanon
Ashley Brady
Lucia Jessup
Reagan Krol
John Jessup
Christian Cruz
Ines Del Toro
Ysela Williams
Evelina Jreige
Koura Linda
Reign Burton
Jimmy Blanco
Dante Fleming
Joelle McNeil
Sarah M. Penn
Arjun Nechiyil
Christina Crosbie Morgan
Jose Hotos
Ricky Leon
VisionJump Productions
Space Dream Productions
Paula Aguirre Gonzalez
Emily Morales
Nicole Ricks
Ysela Williams
Kimberly Epstein
Lucia Jessup
Olivia Wagner
Special Thanks:
​Christy Poggi
Art’s Sake Studio
Diane Bueckhanon
Tina Jessup
Stevie Collins
Sarah M. Penn